Dry Eye Treatment

Dry Eye Treatment at Dr. Rigney Vision

Dry eye syndrome is common for people who wear contacts or work at computers for extended periods. Many people experience blurred vision and discomfort that significantly impacts their day-to-day life. Fortunately, your optometrist at Dr. Rigney Vision in Owasso, OK, offers several treatment options to alleviate dry eye syndrome. We are here to tell you about dry eye syndrome and how our optometrist can treat it.

Dry Eye Treatment

What Is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome occurs when you do not produce enough tears to moisturize the eyes. You can also experience dry eyes if the quality of your tears does not provide adequate moisturization. Several factors influence your chances of developing this condition, such as aging, chronic allergies, some antihistamine and antidepressant medications, and frequent contact lens wear. People with specific medical conditions or those who underwent LASIK surgery sometimes experience dry eyes.

Symptoms of Dry Eye

Dry eye syndrome can cause multiple irritating symptoms that impact visual clarity and comfort. Many people experience a burning or stinging sensation in the eyes due to poor tear lubrication. Others may have a scratchy or gritty feeling. Other frequent complaints for dry eye sufferers include blurred vision, redness, light sensitivity, and watery eyes. Mucus discharge, especially in the mornings, is another common issue for people with dry eyes.

Dry Eye Treatment

The first step toward treating your dry eyes is an eye exam from your eye doctor. They can evaluate your eyes and determine the underlying cause of your condition. Your eye doctor will then create a dry eye treatment plan based on the cause and severity of your dry eye syndrome.

Prescription or over-the-counter eye drops provide additional moisture to prevent dryness. Updating your prescription lenses or getting specialized contact lenses can help alleviate symptoms and reduce your risk of developing dry eye. MiboFlow is a treatment that uses a heat pump to liquefy blocked secretions and improve your meibomian gland function. More severe dry eye syndrome may require punctal plug insertion to retain eye moisture.

Visit Your Optometrist Near You in Owasso, OK, for Dry Eye Treatment Today

Dry eye syndrome can significantly impact your quality of life if left untreated, so contact Dr. Rigney Vision in Owasso, OK, to get the dry eye treatment necessary to see clearly and comfortably again. Our eye doctor and staff can improve your eye health and restore visual clarity, so call us and schedule an appointment today at (918) 272-3937 for lasting dry eye relief.

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