
Blepharitis is common and can lead to uncomfortable symptoms. Burning eyes, watery eyes, irritated eye lids, and eye strain are a near-universal experience, and if you have dry eyes, these blepharitis symptoms are part of your daily life. The things we do to relieve these symptoms often don't work, but our eye doctor can help. At Dr. Rigney Vision in Owasso, OK, we provide various treatments to reduce your discomfort and help you feel better.


Symptoms of Blepharitis

People who have blepharitis usually have red, swollen, itchy, or even painful eyelids. They may wake up with crusts around their eyes. They can suffer from a constant sensation of something like sand in their eyes. Their eyelashes may fall out. Their ability to focus their vision may come and go.

Symptoms of blepharitis may come and go, but the complications of blepharitis are a constant concern. Untreated blepharitis invites eye infections that can be hard to treat. Neglecting personal cleanliness makes the problem worse.

Home Remedies for Blepharitis

Blepharitis is not something you can wash away. No volume of eye drops and no number of hot showers does you good for very long.

If you have blepharitis, your eyes are not making enough of the tears that keep your eye clean and lubricated. Tears aren't just water, or even primarily water. Tears include layers of natural fatty oils manufactured by your eye to reduce inflammation naturally. To correct blepharitis, you need to encourage production of these oils.

How do you do that?

Gentle, moist, warm, but not hot, compresses held to the eyes encourage the flow of fatty oils over the eye. You don't want to steam your symptoms away. You don't want to try to force tear production. You just want the natural flow of tears to move over your eyes smoothly. Applying a warm, never hot, compress lightly over your closed eyes for 5 to 10 minutes several times a day helps to relieve the symptoms of blepharitis.

Remember, it's not the warm water that relieves your symptoms. Your eyes heal themselves with the help of moist warmth.

How Our Optometrist Can Help

Our eye doctor can offer you replacements for natural tear production that will work in your individual case. We can recognize the early symptoms of infection and save you weeks or months of recovery time.

Don't diminish the importance of the symptoms of blepharitis. You deserve pain-free good vision. Involve our eye doctor sooner rather than later.

Contact us for an Appointment Today

If you’re experiencing symptoms of blepharitis, our team at Dr. Rigney Vision in Owasso, OK, is happy to help. To learn about our treatments or to schedule your eye exam, contact us at (918) 272-3937 today. When you need an optometrist near me, we are happy to assist you!

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